Founding Members
  • We represent, protect, and promote the industry’s interests in relations with the public authorities
  • We promote cooperation among the members, including technology cooperation as well as international cooperation
  • We offer a favorable environment for innovations within the sector
  • We improve the sector’s competitiveness in the RM on the local and international markets

Who we are

The Association of Electronics Companies in Moldova (ACEM) is a non-profit organization founded in May 2019 to represent its associates’ interests in relations with the central authorities, to facilitate sharing the best practices among its members, and to increase competitiveness and development of the electronics industry, including such spheres as microelectronics, nanotechnologies, integrated systems, software, and research and development in the Republic of Moldova.

The following electronics industry companies in the Republic of Moldova are among the founding members: Informbusiness SRL, ICS Steinel Electronic SRL, Eliri SA, Simpals SRL, Blacksea-Ems SRL, AFN SRL the Technical University of Moldova, and IM Arobs Software SRL.

The ACEM includes 32 companies in the electronics industry, with over +2100 employees and a turnover of over $ 100 million.

Essential data

ACEM Members
$ 100 million
The ACEM member’s turnover amounts
ACEM employs

ACEM has a goal

to become an important stakeholder in promoting, developing, and increasing the competitiveness of the electronics industry, including microelectronics, nanotechnologies, embedded systems, software, and research and development (R&D) in the Republic of Moldova by mans of viable partnerships among private companies, syndicates, public authorities, and other governmental organizations, both nationally and internationally. The ACEM’s mission consists in protecting and promoting the interests of the members of the association and facilitating a more favorable business environment for the electronics industry.


ACEM aims

to become a catalyst for electronics industry and a reliable dialogue partner for Moldovan decision-makers, foreign and local investors, and Moldova’s development partners.